Tree Fort Hardware IS BACK IN STOCK!


Marblemount Platform - Light Duty

$ 124.95


The Light-Duty Marblemount is the ideal multi-purpose deck. Its open-air platform is perfect for soaking in the sunshine, and is loved by both children and adults.

The Marblemount clocks in at 180 square feet and requires two TABs, four light wood struts, and eight simple corner brackets for support. The tree depicted in the plan set is a cedar with a 23-inch diameter. Don’t be deceived by the overall simplicity of the design: the single-tree element coupled with the degree of precision involved in the hardware installation gives this platform a four-out-of-five difficulty rating.**

Our designs are meant to be customized to your trees and lifestyle: we encourage you to make it your own! Treehouse-building is an organic process – our crew almost always innovates onsite with spontaneous tweaks to the original design. Stay flexible, get creative, and have fun – even (or especially) when you’re deep in head-scratching moments of treehouse troubleshooting. To the trees!


Please take a moment to read a little more about what to expect here.

We sell the custom treehouse hardware kit for this treehouse here.

*We recommend that you consult a structural engineer if you plan to build in a climate with heavy snow loads.

**Please be aware that you cannot put two TABS at the same level in a tree that is less than 16" in diameter. 

***Printed plans also include a complementary digital download