STEP 1: Choose Your Tree Fort Platform
Make your selection based on the number of trees you want to incorporate into your design. Each 10'x12' platform blueprint offers versatile layout options tailored to your tree scenario and ultimate vision. Tree Fort Hardware Kits are available separately and designed to match the layout you select, ensuring a safe and sustainable build.
STEP 2: Choose Your Tree Fort
Each of our four Tree Fort designs is crafted to fit perfectly on the platform plans above. With 120 sq ft of platform footprint, these small-scale builds bring the magic of a Treehouse Master's creativity to your backyard, all while being simple enough for a fun, rewarding project the whole family can enjoy. Included in the blueprints is everything you need - from detailed floor plans to comprehensive material lists - making your dream of building a tree fort a reality.
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FAQ: Tree Fort Plan Series
What size are the platforms?
All Tree Fort platforms are 10'x12'
What hardware system do I need?
All platforms are designed to be used with our Tree Fort Hardware Kits. After reviewing you digital downloaded plans it will be clear with Hardware Kit will be best for your project. Your Platform Plan will depend on your specific tree scenario and final vision.
Will my chosen Tree Fort fit my platform?
Yes! Every Tree Fort Build is designed to fit perfectly on our Tree Fort Platforms
What's included in the Platform Plans?
Platform layout examples, beam plans, hardware detail, ladder specs, and a complete material list.
Can I buy Platform Plans separately?
Yes! The Platform Plans have a decking, railing and ship's ladder detail in the event that you want to stop there. We see you, Sunset Deck!
No trees, no problem! The Tree Fort Build Designs include a detail to utilize pier blocks in case you'd like to build the design directly on the ground. We love a good playhouse!
Do I need trees?
No trees, no problem! Skip the Platform Plans and select your Tree Fort Build Plan. These blueprints include a detail to utilize pier blocks in case you'd like to build the fort directly on the ground. We love a good backyard fort!
What kind of tools will I need?
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How much will this project cost to complete?
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Costs vary based on current lumber prices and your choice of finishes. Check our hardware pricing here and take the material list to your local lumberyard for a quote.
What format do the plans come in?
Digital files formatted for 8.5"x11" paper for easy printing.
Can I get physical copies of the plans?
Plans are digital-only, but email us if you need physical copies.
Can I customize the design?
Absolutely! We encourage incorporating thrifted materials, fun elements like climbing holds, and choosing whether to include windows and doors for an open-air feel.
What if I want to build a larger platform?
For platforms larger than 10'x12', we recommend consulting an engineer or exploring our Standard Limb Hardware plans.
What is the difference between the Standard Limb plans and the Tree Fort Plans.
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Ready to start building?
All platforms are designed to be used with our Tree Fort Hardware Kits. After reviewing your digital downloaded plans it will be clear which hardware kit will be best for your project.